Start Somewhere

About four years ago I had a little idea to sell vintage denim. I saw some people selling denim shorts on Instagram, and thought, “hey, maybe I can do that”- and so I did. 

I spent hours in Goodwill, sifting through countless racks of jeans until my arms grew tired and sore. All the dust would trigger my allergies, but I didn't mind-I was on a mission to find the perfect pair of vintage denim. Thankfully, my searching did not end in vain as I had sold upwards of 300 pairs of shorts and gained over 18,000 followers-all within 2 1/2 years. I learned more about e-commerce and entrepreneurship than I could have ever imagined, and spent more time at the sewing machine than with friends. I couldn't even tell you what drove me-I was simply hooked on the whole process. I was thrilled to sell internationally. Australia, Brazil, and Italy are a few places I've visited as I imagine a part of me went with each pair I shipped. I had traveled the world a hundred times over.

It's name was Carefree Culture-born in Goodwill, raised on Instagram and Tumblr; bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready for whatever life threw at it. It was the first project I'd ever been truly proud of. It gave me a purpose to wake up in morning, and a reason to move forward into the future.  It was the start of a little journey. 

That summer, I learned to start somewhere.

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Diseño:Maira Gall.